By Sean McPheat

Some sales mistakes, blunders and failures are easy to recognize. Things like losing the sale to the competition, objections you cannot overcome, or providing poor service are issues that you can see and understand.


What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

However, many of the most costly slip-ups are far more difficult to recognise and even harder to quantify. Actually, most sales people and companies do not have a way even to report or track such statistics.

Below are six of those slip-ups and blunders that cost you money but are often hidden or disguised. Watch out for them!


#1 – Stop Listening

Some sales people have poor listening skills to begin with. However, for others there comes a time as a professional sales person, when they believe they have arrived. He or she knows the sales presentations blindfolded and can anticipate objections well in advance. Unfortunately, when this happens, the sales person’s sense of hearing begins to slip. Sales people begin to anticipate what the prospect is going you say instead of LISTENING and actually hearing what they say.


#2 – Poor Timing

On the heels of the first slip-up, once very comfortable with their presentation and so-called rebuttals, many sales people are too quick to blurt out those scripted, off-pat answers to objections. Even when the answer to the objection may be the correct one, often that sales person is well into the “spiel” before the prospect has had a chance to voice the objection. This makes the sales person come across as rehearsed and insincere.


#3 – Too Casual

It is good to relate to and create rapport with the prospect. However, in an attempt to do this, many sales people go overboard. The old ideology of “selling yourself first,” and trying to make friends with the prospect, has sales people trying to “buddy up,” with the buyer. Today’s modern and educated buyers see right through such a facade.


#4 – Referrals for No Sales

Failing to get referrals from customers can fall into the area as I mentioned that is easier to notice. Most sales people work on getting better at asking for referrals from sales they close. However, most sales people are terrified at asking for referrals from prospects that they do not sell. While there are many techniques to help with this, start by simply asking.


#5 – Abandoning the Sales Process

You have to remember that you have a sales process and try to achieve each objective at its appropriate stage. When at the stage in the process to set an appointment, many sales people are trying to close the sale on the telephone. Or when they should be gathering information and qualifying for the decision maker, some are trying to set the appointment. Climb the ladder one rung at a time.


#6 – Poor Record Keeping and Customers Relationships Management

Without a doubt, the most costly super sales slip-up is not keeping good records. Most sales people overlook the importance of keeping accurate sales-activity records and statistics. Prospects that slip through the cracks are often the difference between success and failure. Prospects you forgot to call, emails you failed to send, or lost leads, are a fraction of what slips through your fingers. If you are using post-it notes, an A4 pad, memory or the back of a cigarette packet for prospecting, you are losing money!


Author credit:

Managing Director of MTD Sales Training, Sean McPheat is regarded as a thought leader on modern day selling, management skills and business improvement. Sean has been featured on CNN, ITV, BBC, SKY, Forbes, Arena Magazine and has over 250 other media credits to his name. Sean’s Sales Blog is visited by 5,000 people every week and his 6 Sales Training Audios are free to download. Click here to follow Sean online.

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