By Sean McPheat

“I’m not interested.” Those three words still seem to strike fear in the hearts of many of today’s professional sales people. Yet this statement in itself is not an objection. Sales people can work around ‘I’m not interested’ with a little forethought and by taking a fresh view of what the prospect is really thinking.

Sales Person: “Hi there, Steve? Sean Stubbs with AXZ Technical Training. How are…”

Prospect: “I’m not interested!”

This seemingly sharp and cold reaction either sparks an equally sharp and cold rebuttal response or silence. In most cases, the sales person launches into a plethora of answers to this objection, which in fact, is not an objection at all.


Why SHOULD they be interested?

First, just why should the prospect, who has just heard your voice, have a genuine interest in what you sell or what you have to say in just 5 or 6 seconds? Why? You have not yet given him or her any reason to be interested.

Many sales people are looking for the easy sale; the lay down. However, that is also not a good thing. Consider this: if the prospect was already “in the market” for your product or services, then shouldn’t they have contacted YOU? If the prospect has been knowingly doing business with a substandard company, using lesser products and has not sought you out, then he or she is not very bright.


An objection that does not exist

When you begin to rattle off answers to this response, you can only address buying objections. In less than 10 seconds, the sales person is on the phone, arguing with the prospect and giving reasons on why he or she should buy the product, when often that is not even the purpose of the sales call.

Below is a better way to handle the ‘I’m not interested’ response without addressing an objection.


#1: It’s OK

Let the prospect know that it is perfectly ok if he or she is not interested and that you understand why.


#2: The reason why

Give the prospect a couple of the many reasons why they should not be interested


#3: One reason

Narrow it down to just one reason


#4: That IS THE Reason for the call

Now inform the prospect that this is the very reason for your call.


Here is a very generic example. As always, it is not a script, but I think you will get the idea.

Sales Person: “Hi Mary, Ethan James here, XYZ Copiers…”

Prospect: “Listen, I’m really not interested right now.”

Sales Person: “Of course, Mary, I know you are not. And that’s ok. In fact, that is the very reason that I am calling. Do you have a quick minute?”

Prospect: “Ah…well, a quick one.”

At this point, you have effectively gotten past the response. But continue…

Sales Person: “You see, Mary, I have to assume that if you already had an interest in me or my company, being a good business person, you would have contacted ME, does that make sense?”

Prospect: “Yes, and I didn’t call you.”

Sales Person: “Exactly. And I have to further assume that is because you do not use any photocopy equipment or you are very satisfied with your current supplier, is that it?”

Prospect: “Yes, I’ve been doing business with them for over 10 years and am very happy.”

Now you have changed the ‘not interested’ into a ‘happy with current supplier’ objection.

Sales Person: “Thank you. You see, Mary that is exactly why I am calling. Your current supplier has EARNED your business, over time. I know that I have NOT earned your business and I am not going to ask you for it. However, I have found that business leaders in your area…”

Now you are into your presentation.

‘I’m not interested’ is a logical and natural response to a cold call. Understand it. Empathise with it. Don’t fight it.


Sean McPheat is MD of international training MTD Sales Training and is thought of as being a leading authority on modern day selling techniques. Sean’s weekly sales tips go out to over 60,000 sales professionals across the UK and internationally, and his Sales Blog is visited by hundreds of sales professionals and business owners every day. Follow Sean online here.

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