By Sean McPheat

You’ve heard it before, this famous sales boast: “I can sell anything to anyone.” Do you consider yourself to be one of those fortunate people who somehow can manage to sell anything to anyone? Better yet, is such a thing even possible? Surely the real issue should be, would you really WANT to sell anything to anyone?

In the 60s, 70s, and early 80s, many sales peoples prided themselves in the (imagined) ability to turn every prospect into a customer regardless of the prospect, product or service. “I can sell ice cubes to Eskimos…” or “Prescription eyeglasses to a blind man.” Unfortunately, many sales people still feel this way.


Selling Anything To Anyone

Personally, I cannot and will never be able to sell anything to anyone, nor would I want to. First, I can only sell something that I truly believe in and the fact is that I do not believe in every product in the world. Quite simply, there are some products on the market that I believe are a waste of money and do not deliver real value to the buyer. And even though there may be people who still want to buy inadequate or substandard products; does not mean that I have to sell it to them.

So, first, I have to thoroughly believe in the product before I can possibly sell it.


To Sell Is To Serve

Second, as a professional sales person, I believe my job is to provide a true service to the client. My obligation is to provide a solution. In order for there to be a solution, there has to be a legitimate problem. So, to simply talk or persuade someone into buying something for which they do not truly need or want, is not selling. In fact, it is stealing.

I will continue to improve my selling skills; prospecting, asking questions, learning more about what I sell and uncovering problems. And I will continue to help prospects overcome their own objections to help them get what they want and need.

However, I cannot and will not, sell anything to anyone. Nor will I ever want to.


Author Credit: As a sales expert, Sean McPheat is asked to help businesses to improve their sales through consulting, coaching or training. He is also the managing director of MTD Sales Training, the internationally renowned sales improvement firm where he leads a team of 25 sales trainers who have delivered sales solutions to over 50,000 staff. Follow Sean online here.

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