Why do you work? In a surprising new survey, people say that money isn’t the main focus of their sales jobs.

The report, titled “The Exit Process: How to gain valuable insights to build a better workplace” by recruitment and HR expert Robert Walters, looked deeper into the motives behind resignations.

The surprising results of the survey made for interesting reading, with a huge third of participants claiming that no longer feeling energised and challenged by their job made them want to leave. A further 27% of people asked said company culture or fellow colleagues made them decide to look for a new job. Other factors noted included feeling undervalued by their team or manager (26%).

So, job hunters aren’t looking for sales jobs primarily for the money, they want to feel needed, respected and energised by their role. That seems fair, doesn’t it?

What was even more interesting was the stark differences between the reasons employees leave their jobs and the reasons bosses think their employees leave them. Stating headhunting, house moves and pay as their top explanations for staff turnover, there seems to be a disparity between the way employees and their managers think.

Telling the truth in an interview situation has never been more important, because this time, employers really do need to know why their job appeals to you. Who knows, they might make sure their sales jobs fit you better in order to encourage you to stay.

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