Congratulations, you’ve got the job! But now you have it, you might also be experiencing a lot of emotions before your first day, like anxiety, fear, stress, determination or motivation. It’s perfectly okay to feel all of these things, but remember that although nerve wracking, your first day at work should be exciting, of all things. Here are a few tips for starting out in your brand new sales job:


Dress code

First impressions count for a lot. Find out the office’s dress code and dress accordingly to make the best first impression.


Have a positive attitude

Having a positive attitude is key when starting a new job. Let your enthusiasm be part of your new workplace. Leave your personal problems or issues with your last job at home, and relax into your new job – enjoy it!


Learn the names of your co-workers

No one is expecting you to remember their name straight away – but if you are particularly forgetful, spend a little more time trying to learn their names to make your team feel more comfortable around you. Here’s a tip – every person you meet, try and get their business card, or have them email you some information so you can recall conversations you’ve had with them.


Make the effort

Getting to know everyone in a big office is hard, so don’t set your expectations of knowing (and remembering) everyone and their role too soon. There are small things you can do though to get chatting to new people. Take your breaks with others and introduce yourself. Or you can offer your services up – make a hot brew for your team – this always goes down well. Speak up in meetings or discussions – most people love a fresh perspective. However you do it, make yourself seen and heard. You’ll be a part of the team in no time.  


Ask for help when needed

Never be afraid to ask for help. It will give the impression that you are interested in the business and want to learn more about it. Listen to your co-workers and communicate openly with everyone to make the best first impression.


Want more tips?

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