By Anna Pitts, The Graduate Recruitment Bureau

Looking for a job is a daunting task and often it’s the little things that will ultimately lose you the role, like not knowing how to present yourself, failing to sell yourself properly, or making classic mistakes in the application process. Working in sales means there are specific things that you can endeavour to do and avoid, to make your chances of landing the position greater.

Samantha Start, a senior recruitment consultant at The Graduate Recruitment Bureau offers some advice and insights into the world of sales recruitment.


1. What does 2013 look like for graduates planning to enter the sales industry?

2013 is looking good for people looking to enter the sales industry. Employers are always on the hunt for motivated, entrepreneurial people who are looking to establish and build their sales career. There are lots of sales schemes out there that offer great training, incentives and commission along with a competitive basic salary. If you are looking to get into sales then hunt around for the best schemes offering the most suited packages to yourself. Or, sign up with a recruitment agency to make sure you’re the first to know of the positions.


2. What are the classic mistakes graduates make when applying for sales positions?

Graduates often assume that sales positions are purely based on commission. This is not the case. Sales roles have a basic salary with commission structures on top, meaning there is huge potential to earn large amounts of money. A classic mistake, therefore, is not doing their research- if you are serious about applying for a job make sure you know how much it pays or what your earning potential could be. Looking unprepared and lacking in basic knowledge will put off employers in sales.

People also think of sales as a last resort profession. They think of sales as a final attempt at getting a job. Working in sales requires great skill and shouldn’t be scoffed at. It is an exciting industry with exciting working environments, offering brilliant opportunities to the right people. So, not appearing keen or enthusiastic enough is sometimes an issue for applicants.

One other misconception is that graduates think of sales as being door to door sales. While some sales jobs are of this nature, graduate roles are usually much more complex. With the roles we deal with, the sales positions are far more exciting than just door to door, for example, high end selling IT software that you really need to know your stuff for.


3. What are current employers looking for in sales recruits?

Employers want sales people who are ambitious and motivated. In sales you need to be target driven and determined to push yourself and excel in your field. Employers seek out entrepreneurial spirit and someone with great communication skills. You’ll be in contact and selling to people from all backgrounds and walks of life, so it is important you can relate to a variety of people and are confident in speaking with the ability to build rapport with clients.


4. How do you sell yourself for a graduate sales position?

These are the key requirements for being a good sales person:

• Ambition
• Motivation
• Communication
• Rapport Building
• Intelligent
• Money motivated
• Target driven

To sell yourself, refer back to these qualities and think of times when you have demonstrated that trait. Some will be easy to justify, like good grades at A level will show intelligence, but for others, for example, target driven or motivated, you need unique examples. People will often just say that they are money motivated but employers want to know that you have a goal. Whether it is to buy a Mercedes or a deposit for a house just let them know you have a target in mind. Never mention travelling though! They want someone who is worth investing time and money in that they can rely on, not someone who will jet around the world once they have made enough sales.


5. Any last tips on how to succeed in the sales world?

The clue is in the name- if you want a career in sales, know how to sell yourself!


Written by Anna Pitts, The Graduate Recruitment Bureau

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