Call centre jobs aren’t easy but for people with the gift of the gab, they are highly rewarding and full of surprises.

Plenty of famously successful salespeople started off in call centre jobs and it’s the perfect place to begin your career. Full of challenges and offering a steep learning curve, it’s a fast-paced learning environment that required focus and dedication. Unlike most entry-level roles, there is space for progressing quickly in this industry and new starters can often find themselves promoted within six months.

With so many opportunities and expectations, it’s easy to become overwhelmed if you’re new to the industry. To help, we’ve collected our favourite inspirational and motivational quotes that match call centre life perfectly.


1. “If you’re not taking care of your customer, somebody else will” – sales expert Bob Hooey

It’s so true – occasionally it’s possible to get carried away with upselling and procuring more clients, but serious groundwork must be taken care of every week to ensure your existing customers feel loved. A happy customer is a loyal customer!


2. “You will never find time for anything. If you need time, you must make it” – Charles Buxton

It’s so true – in call centre jobs there is so much to do that you can often find yourself slipping under if you don’t organise well. Learn the art of prioritisation and the importance of an up-to-date calendar and you’ll find keeping up to speed far easier. Being organised doesn’t come naturally to everyone but fortunately, it’s a skill that can be learned in time.


3. “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves” – Thomas Edison

In other words: “Yes, you can!” Got a difficult client to call? Get to them first. Got a hard target to reach? Up your game. Sometimes to get yourself going you need a bit of a push and in sales, that push has to come from self-motivation. You are in charge of your own abilities – if you don’t try, who are you holding back but yourself?


4. “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill

You’ll get a lot of knock-backs in this industry. We won’t sugar the pill – it’s a hard job, especially on a bad day when seemingly everyone in the world has been replaced by a voicemail message or refuses to listen to your offers. Don’t get discouraged. Perseverance is a trait all good salespeople depend on!


5. “Try not to become a person of success, but a person of value” – Albert Einstein

In sales you’ll spend a lot of energy smashing targets and building up your own world-beating contacts lists. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. Just remember that while you beat down a path to the top of Success Mountain™ to keep on providing the best possible service to your clients and customers. When the going gets tough, they’ll turn to the person they feel is most valuable and able to support them.


Have you got any quotes you love or that help you work harder? We’d love to hear them! Join the conversation or follow us on Twitter.

Browse all of our latest call centre jobs.

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